субота, 19 червня 2010 р.
середа, 16 червня 2010 р.
Curse of the Mummy? Could be Heart Disease - ScienceNOW
Curse of the Mummy? Could be Heart Disease – ScienceNOW
An Egyptian mummy moments before a CT scan and a mummy heart with calcium buildup (inset), a sign of heart disease.
пʼятниця, 14 травня 2010 р.
The Body and the Mind in the History of Medicine and Health
"The Body and the Mind in the History of Medicine and Health"
EAHMH Conference 2010, Utrecht, 1-4 September 2011
The European Association for the History of Medicine and Health (EAHMH) will hold its bi-annual meeting in Utrecht (The Netherlands), 1-4 September 2011. The conference will consider the general theme: 'The Body and the Mind in the History of Medicine and Health'. Further information on the conference please see www.eahmh.net
вівторок, 11 травня 2010 р.
Science/AAAS The Neandertal Genome
Neandertals (Homo neanderthalensis) are currently believed to be our closest evolutionary relatives.
“Fossil remains and anatomical reconstructions indicate that the typical Neandertal had a stocky muscular body with short forearms and legs, a large head with bony brow ridges and a brain slightly larger than ours, a jutting face with a large nose, and perhaps reddish hair and fair skin. Neandertals made and used a diverse set of sophisticated tools, controlled fire, organized their living spaces, hunted and fed on game of various sizes, and occasionally made symbolic or ornamental objects”.
For more Neandertal basics, see http://www.sciencemag.org/special/neandertal/feature/index.html
понеділок, 10 травня 2010 р.
Knowledge, Ethics and Representations of Medicine and Health: Historical Perspectives
Society for the Social History of Medicine 2010 Annual Conference
"Knowledge, Ethics and Representations of Medicine and Health: Historical Perspectives"
Durham, UK. Thursday 8th to Sunday 11th July 2010
Organised by the Northern Centre for the History of Medicine and jointly hosted by Durham and Newcastle Universities.
Key-note speakers:
Dr Tim Boon (Science Museum, London, UK)
'On the Varieties of Medical Filmmaking: An Alternative Path to the Cultures of Bio-Medicine'
Professor Martha Few (University of Arizona, USA)
'The Fetus as Colonial Subject: Gender, Reproduction, and Medicine in the Eighteenth-Century Spanish Atlantic'
Professor Dr Thomas Lemke (Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
'Biosociality, health and citizenship'
Professor Heinrich von Staden (Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, USA)
'Experiments on Living Animals: Private and Public Science in Ancient Greece and Rome'
Session themes include:
What processes have generated knowledge about the body, illness and health that has become authoritative in different societies?
How have claims of medical expertise been justified vis à vis claims from other domains of social and cultural authority such as religion and law?
What did it mean for medical practitioners in different cultural and social contexts to claim to be ethical as well as knowledgeable?
How did they present themselves to the public?
What kind of material, visual and textual representations of body, mind, health and disease have gained ‘defining power’ exerting influence on medical practice and research until today?
For more information on the SSHM please see www.sshm.org.
четвер, 8 квітня 2010 р.
Surgery's past, present and robotic future
Surgeon and inventor Catherine Mohr tours the history of surgery (and its pre-painkiller, pre-antiseptic past), then demos some of the newest tools for surgery through tiny incisions, performed using nimble robot hands.”Fascinating -- but not for the squeamish”.
Цікава розповідь, але що стосується історичної частини, то тут досить багато неточностей. Наприклад, щодо перших знахідок черепів із трепанаційними дефектами і т.д. Та й вибір ключових моментів в історії хірургії теж трохи дивує. Втім, доповідач не історик медицини, а хірург. Тому слід такі недоліки вибачити. Краще було б, на мій погляд, зосередитися більше на сучасних відкриттях і звести до мінімуму історичну частину.
неділя, 28 березня 2010 р.
On leprosy
This video presents a selection of plates from "Om Spedalskhed" (On Leprosy), by D.C. Danielssen and C.W. Boeck, published in Bergen, Norway, in 1847,
субота, 27 березня 2010 р.
A history of electroshock therapy
Sherwin Nuland, the surgeon, talks about the development of electroshock therapy as a cure for severe, life-threatening depression
пʼятниця, 5 березня 2010 р.
субота, 20 лютого 2010 р.
Highlights from the Collection
This photograph of the hospital's Women's Ward G, taken ca. 1900, is one of the nearly 400,000 photographic items included in the Archives. Many of those images — which date from the 1880s and document the evolution of health care practice — are already accessible through the Web site. Archives staff and volunteers continue to digitize photographs to add to the online collection.
For more information, visitwww.medicalarchives.jhmi.edu.